Mission Statement & More!




Substitute Teachers
We would like to have more substitutes available for our Sunday School pre-school class, Bible Explorers Rotation workshop, and for Cornerstone classes on Wednesday. Lesson plans and plenty of support will be available for volunteers who agree to step in. This is a great opportunity to be involved in our Christian Education activities.

If you are interested in participating as a volunteer, please contact Heather Berry at 402-333-7466 x2.

Mission Statement

The Christian Education Committee’s purpose and mission is to develop and support programs for all ages in order to foster spiritual growth-individually, as a member develops his or her relationship with God through Jesus Christ; and corporately, in Christian fellowship as a congregation. Participants and volunteers are sought to make a variety of opportunities possible for learning, sharing and modeling God’s word at church, at home, and in our community.

A Note from Heather Berry,
Director of Christian Education

We are excited to welcome members and friends of all ages to the Christian Education Program at Presbyterian Church of the Cross! We strive to provide high quality and diverse educational programs. Our education schedule generally begins after Labor Day and runs through the week before Memorial Day, with a break from Christmas through New Years.

Sunday classes offer varied and lively topics for children, teens and adults with secured child care available for children through age four during worship and Sunday education. Please do look over the classes descriptions offered in each section.

Cornerstone is a Wednesday program of education, music and fellowship for all. The program runs from September through March with a winter break in December. Children’s and Adult Choirs practice on Wednesdays as well. A variety of activities including classes, music, games and dinner provide opportunities for our members to build strong ties with God and each other.  This year Cornerstone will be on a new schedule which should make it easier for working parents to participate.

Our Jr. and Sr. High youth have opportunities for education, mission and fellowship through Sunday classes as well as regular fellowship meetings and activities.

Volunteers are a huge part of our church family! This is a great way to meet new people!  We have a wonderful time together and many of the opportunities are fairly short term so that a commitment for a few weeks is all that may be needed.

Dear Families of Presbyterian Church of the Cross,
I hope this email finds you well. As we strive to continuously improve our Christian Education programming, we have observed a concerning trend of declining participation among families with school-aged children. Your input and feedback are crucial in guiding us towards revitalizing and enhancing our programs to better meet the needs of our children and families.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face, we have developed a brief survey. Whether you are actively engaged in our programs or not, we urge you to participate honestly. Your responses will provide invaluable insights into how we can better support the spiritual growth and development of our children.
Your candid feedback will help our Christian Education Committee tailor programs and initiatives that resonate with the needs and aspirations of our community. Together, we can ensure that our church remains a nurturing environment where our children can flourish in their faith journey.
Please take a few moments to complete the survey linked below
Thank you in advance for your participation and commitment to the future of our church family.
The Christian Education Committee

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