What’s Happening at PCOC

Worship, music, fellowship, education, and mission are filling the halls at Church of the Cross! Keep reading to learn about our news and events. Be sure to sign up for our education and activity programs. As you will read, church life is picking up. We’re excited for a full calendar of activities.

Worship Schedule

We are on our summer schedule.

  • Worship is held on Sundays at 10:00 in the Sanctuary and on livestream
  • Coffee Fellowship is after the worship service in the Welcome Center
  • Church office hours are 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Monday – Friday.

We will livestream the 10:00 service each week. A recording is available after the service is over. Services are available for a full year, so please explore our sermon library for all available sermons and services.


Church Calendar

The church is active every day of the week!

Power of Prayer

Submit a prayer request to our church’s prayer team using our new online form. Prayer requests are confidential and shared only with members of the prayer team.

Cross Care Connections Support

The last several years during the pandemic have been challenging on both our physical well-being and our spiritual lives.  Sometimes, we just need a friend or companion to walk with us.  Church of the Cross has a wonderful care giving team known as Cross Care Connections.  Learn more about this program and how our deeply caring providers can assist you.

Cornerstone will resume in September
  • Bible Study for children in Preschool – 7th Grade and two classes for adults
  • Confirmation Class for 8th Graders.
  • Choir for children in 1st Grade – 7th Grade and Adults
  • Dinner for all

Learn More & Sign Up

Vacation Bible School ~ July 9 -11
Meet Lu (short for Lumen) the lightning bug! Lu will teach us ways we can put our trust in God when we are afraid, challenged, or called to do God’s work and to share the Good News of God’s love through Jesus Christ. We’re forming our leadership team now! Contact Heather to serve on this very important team. Parents and grandparents, we cannot do this without you. Please consider serving. VBS will be held July 9-11(Tues-Thurs) from 9 a.m. to noon for ages 4 years to 5th grade (completed). Sign up now!
Tuesday Bible Studies

Our Tuesday Bible Studies will continue to study the Old Testament Book of Joshua. Newcomers are always welcome; just bring your favorite Bible and join us in the classroom in the Welcome Center!

  • Men’s Bible Study from 7:00-8:00 a.m. in the Courtyard Room (Note this is a men’s study only. If you are interested in a women’s only Bible study, check out the Presbyterian Women’s Morning Circle).
  • Afternoon Bible Study from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in the Courtyard Room and on Zoom


PCOC Updates for The Week

Welcome our New Associate Pastor, Mr. Joshua Garry
Sunday. June 9 a congregational meeting was held to vote in Mr. Joshua Garry. We are overjoyed to welcome Mr. Joshua Garry to be our Associate Pastor. A letter about the Garry family was mailed to the entire PCOC membership last month, which can be read Here. The family plans to move to Omaha in mid-July and Josh’s first day at church will be August 1. 
Joys and Concerns

The flowers this Sunday are given by the Diane Wetuski family in memory of her father, Ross Stebbins and also by Tim and Sandy Johnson in honor of their 57th wedding anniversary.

The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the families of Ron Bowers and Kay Tomek, whose Memorial Services were held this week.

PCOC Birthdays for This Month

Each month, we list upcoming birthdays, so you can extend your good wishes to one another. You can find member contact information in the online directory

7/1 – Kristin Jacobi, Larry Will
7/2 – Nancy Anderson, Jane Burch,
Dawn Gibson, Max Justice, Emily Justice
7/4 – Amy Boesen, Lila Dittman, Julie Evers,
Korbin Stalnaker, Ada Stalnaker
7/6 – Bonny Boettcher, Joan Gayle Chapin,
Rock Sumner
7/7 – Barbara Spielman
7/8 – David Hopp
7/9 – Silas Boesen
7/10 – Camille Hinz, Kathy Klein, Bob Nicas,
Jack Nicas
7/11 – Janet Harley
7/12 – Irma Kramer
7/13 – Carolyn Crenson, Justin Kalkwarf
7/14 – Audrey Florent, Barbara Jaeger
7/15 – Clara Stalnaker
7/16 – Jon Boomgaarden, Graham Spencer
7/17 – Beth Kaiser
7/18 – Cindy Rieke
7/19 – Jean Engelmann, Erin Moore
7/20 – Ron Fehr, Traci Harrison, Elijah Pflueger
7/21 – Camille Hancock Friesen, Pat Pariset,
Doug Reid, Carol Gasko
7/22 – Luke Justice, Ken Nisley
7/23 – Dawn Zimmerman
7/24 – Marietta Morhardt, LeRoy Swedlund
7/25 – Carolyn Hansen, Haidyn Spielman
7/26 – Joslyn Bailey, Tanya Mitzel
7/27 – Irene Burson, James Fuller
7/28 – Wendi Harkness, Danielle Obregon,
Jane Olson
7/29 – John Bennett, Beth Maxwell, Amy Miller,
Amanda Stalnaker
7/30 – Carol Barnes, Sue Garcia, Donna Mau,
Charles Spann
7/31 – Jeanette Searson


Best wishes from your church!


Junior and Senior High Fellowship have ended and will resume in the fall.

Vesper Concerts Begins Season 36 in September!

The Borowsky Trio will kick off Season 36 on Friday evening, September 14, at 7:00 p.m.! Siblings Frances (cello), Emmanuel (violin), and Elizabeth (piano) will give a dazzling performance of their highly-acclaimed compositions.
Do you have the dates for all seven fantastic concerts on your calendar? Make sure you visit for up-to-date information, links to artist websites, recordings, and videos. You can also follow Vesper Concerts on Facebook and Instagram.

Learn more

Art, culture and food in North Omaha on Wednesday, August 14th

We will start with lunch at 11:45 at Jackson’s Fair Deal Café in North Omaha (2118 North 24th Street).  Following lunch, we will go to the Union for Contemporary Arts at 2423 North 24th Street. There we will tour their wonderful cooperative art space which provides affordable opportunities and space for artists who might not otherwise have access. We will also visit their scheduled art exhibit featuring Nathaniel Ruleaux, a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation. Nathan describes his work by saying: “my work is an expression of my combined anger at our nation, a love of the people and the land, and dreams of what kind of world I want my child to grow up in.” Contact Kathy Moore if you have questions, and please sign up at the Information Desk or online Here. If you can’t join us on the 14th but would like to visit solo, the Union is open T, W, Th from 1 – 8 and F, S from 10 – 5.



Children and Youth Ministry Volunteers Needed

If you love working with children and building relationships with youth, this is the job for you! Contact Heather for ways you can make a difference in the lives of our children and youth.

Register for Tables for Eight Fall Session

The deadline for registration for the fall session (September, October, November and December) is August 13, due to “Floats for Fellowship” event on Aug. 11. New participants (couples or singles) are definitely welcome to join this fellowship opportunity. You can choose to be a “regular” or a “substitute”. Questions and answers about “Tables for Eight” are on the registration form, and the form is available at the Information Desk or on the Website (

For the upcoming Fall Session, current “regular” members are automatically assigned to a new group and “substitutes” will remain on that list unless you notify Pam Otto at 402 830-6375 or If you dropped out last session and want to return as a regular or substitute, please contact Pam by phone, text or email.

Learn More & Sign up Online!

Tuesday Bible Studies

Our Tuesday gatherings continue to study the Old Testament book of Joshua. Newcomers are always welcome; just bring your favorite Bible and join us in the classroom in the Welcome Center at 7:00 a.m. (men’s only) or 1:00 p.m. (everyone).

Stay Active with Tai Chi and Music & Movement

Tai Chi meets at 10 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. No class on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, or New Year’s Day. Drop in anytime if you’d like to attend a class. Questions? Contact Paula Allen.

Music and Movement exercise classes meet 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. every Monday and Thursday to encourage and support each other while staying active and healthy. New people are welcome to join our Music and Movement ensemble any time! This group will take a holiday break from Dec. 18 through January 1, resuming on January 4. Questions? Contact Betty Baddley.

Active Minds

Active Minds will be playing Pinochle for the month of August. Drop in on Tuesdays to the lower level Great Room as your schedule allows and join the fun and laughter and to learn or relearn this card game!  We start at 1:30 and several join us after Bible Study. We head home at 4:00 pm. New players and friends are always welcome!

Senior High Car Wash

Bring your dirty cars to church on Sunday, August 11, and plan to stop by the car wash station in the south parking lot to have your car cleaned by the SHF group! The event begins immediately after worship and ends at 1:00 p.m. Donations will be accepted. All proceeds will go towards next year’s mission trip. Thanks for your support!

Floats and Fellowship August 11 

The Membership Committee invites you to attend “Floats and Fellowship” on Sunday, Aug. 11 in the Welcome Center after worship. A member from each of PCOC’s Fellowship Groups will be there to showcase their group and answer any questions you may have. Perhaps something will appeal to you, and you can join in. Stop by, grab an ice cream float, and check out the groups.



Misson Mixer September 8
Join us on September 8, the first Sunday we return to two services for a Mission Mixer! This event offers a chance to connect with the Mission Committee and learn firsthand the impact of your mission dollars. Enjoy coffee, treats, and insightful discussions about the missions the committee champions. If construction in Fellowship Hall is complete, we’ll gather there between services for a delightful mix of fellowship and mission updates. Mark your calendars and come explore how together, we’re making a difference locally and beyond!

August 11 is a Caring & Sharing Day!

Stop by Don & Millie’s at 108th & Center to grab lunch from 11 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 11. Tell them you’re with PCOC, and 20% of your bill comes back to us to support next year’s JHF Mission Trip.

Gifts and Memorials

Presbyterian Church of the Cross is fortunate to have a long-standing and functional Gift & Memorial program that allows for memorial funds or individual gifts to be designated for specific items, portions of items, or ‘Ongoing Giving Opportunities’ from the Session approved “Gift and Memorial Items List.”  The items or missions selected are then recognized in worship, the bulletin, and the Memorial Book, where records have been kept since 1957.  Please see this May 28 bulletin for memorial designations and gifts that occurred during the past year. These selections are all appreciated, and each will enhance the life of our congregation in a special way.

Home-Delivered Meal Volunteers

– a message from Deacon, Kathy Moore –

One of the many caring ministries at Church of the Cross is the Deacons’ Home Delivered Meals program. We try to provide a meal or two to church members who have been hospitalized, are facing a surgery, had an accident, or have lost a family member. This is a small token of our care and concern, and many have expressed how much this meant to them during what was otherwise a very challenging time.

When one of our ministers or I learn of a household in need, I send out a group email to our Home Meal List and ask for volunteers to take a meal, indicating approximately when the meal would be helpful. I provide the number of people in the household and any dietary restrictions and preferences that I can. There is often somewhat short notice of this need, and we may be soliciting a meal to be provided within the next few days or weeks. On average we deliver 6 – 10 meals per month and have almost 40 volunteers on the list so you don’t have to provide a meal very often.

If you like to cook and could fix an extra meal or two occasionally, this Home Meal Committee is for you. If you don’t like to cook, you could volunteer to pick up a To-Go meal from a grocery store or restaurant. Either way, if you’d like me to add you to the Home Meal Volunteer List, please sign up at the Information Desk or email Kathy Moore. Feel free to call me with any questions.

You can join our mailing list by signing up online!

Usher Training is Saturday, August 24

Calling all ushers – past, present and future –
Please join us in the Welcome Center from 9:00 – 11:00 as we get ourselves organized for the coming program year.
We will review the newly edited Ushers Manual, talk about Safety Procedures, look at the different usher teams, and familiarize ourselves with how to utilize the Welcome Center.
If you’re interested in becoming an usher, please attend this informative time together. Coffee and snacks will be available in the Welcome Center.

October Classes to be offered!

Try something new!  A four-week class will be offered on the first four Thursday Evenings from 6 – 7:30. Bring your carryout dinner and join us in the Welcome Center for a study of “Let Justice Roll Down”.
Scripture challenges us to care for our earth and all who dwell on it, bearing in mind the impact our actions have on society’s least powerful members. The “Let Justice Roll Down” curriculum is offered through PCUSA as a Horizons Bible Study. Our brown bag series will cover topics of Environmental and Land Justice, Food Justice, Water Quality and Air Quality. A study guide will be provided. ($10 donation welcome) Sign-ups will be available on the website and at the Information Desk.
Discussions will be led by Kathy Moore, Earlene Uhrig, and Patty Ritchie.
Sign up Here.

Save the Date!

The annual conference of the Eastern Europe Partnership Network (formerly BURM Network) will be held in Salt Lake City this year on October 31 – November 2.  Mark your calendar and consider joining the delegation from PCOC who will go to the conference to re-connect with friends in the network and expand our own understanding of the Presbyterian mission efforts in Eastern Europe. To receive more information about the conference, contact Jean Waters to get on the email list.

New Quilting Process for Piecemakers

In Fall 2022, with an inventory of 10+ completed quilts on hand, Piecemakers have decided to take a well-deserved break from meeting every week. The quilting will continue with a new format. ALL quilters in the PCOC congregation are invited to participate in a new process to ensure we continue to welcome newborns to our church family with handmade quilts. You will be invited to use the patterns, fabric, and even equipment available in Room 11.

If you are interested in joining this new Piecemakers process, please contact Linda Miller, Judy Arms, or Karen Morey for the details.

Dear PCOC friends,
We want to express our deep gratitude for the outpouring of support and love during Dennis’s health journey and for our 40th wedding anniversary. The visits, hugs, food, flowers and cards have buoyed our spirits as Dennis awaits a return to health and normal activities. We look forward to being back among you as soon as possible!

With love and appreciation,

Dennis & Amy Boesen

I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers on the death of my husband, Brad. It is a great comfort knowing I have this church family. Your support has made a huge difference during this difficult time.

Kristin Jacobi


Attend the Pow Wow at Fort Omaha September 21

Metropolitan Community College – on the Fort Omaha Campus Parade Ground  (5300 N 30th St.) Attend this inspiring and educational gathering! Experience the thrilling entrance of the tribes, in full ceremonial dancing attire at 1:00 pm. Optional – after the Opening Ceremony you can enjoy craft demonstrations, classes, and delicious food. Contact Earlene Uhrig. to get details when more become available.
Details regarding times of specific events at the Pow Wow will be added to the sign up here.

Time to Play Ball

BATTER UP! SAFE! IT’S A HOME RUN! These are words you will hear on the AllPlay Miracle Buddy League at Seymour Smith Field , May 4th. Over 400 players are registered and need volunteers to help with a wide variety of activities to make a great experience. Game Day volunteers include concession stand servers, greeters, game umpire, AllPlay mascots, game announcers, field set-up and take down, picnic helpers, special events (I.E. Pancake man, Santa) and many more. Each volunteer time slot is for approximately, 2 hours (two games).

It is easy to sign up on our link in the Friday news and on the Allplay web site under Buddies and Volunteer Activities. This is also an excellent place to have your group volunteer, such as a sports team or school group community outreach.
Any Questions? Contact Sandi Stuckey

August 18 is Pantry Sunday!

Bring your food and hygiene items to Sunday worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month, or drop them inside the circle drive doors at church anytime. The most needed items are listed below.

Food Items:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Corn
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Cereal
  • Pasta & Pasta Sauce

Hygiene Items:

  • Baby Diapers (all sizes but biggest need is sizes 4-6)
  • Baby Wipes
  • Full-Size Shampoo and Body Wash
  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothpaste

Come and Hear Mission Speaker Elmarie Parker on Monday, August 5

Dr. Elmarie Parker, the PCUSA Regional Liaison to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon since 2013 is in the US for the summer months. She will speak at PCOC on Monday, August 5, in our Welcome Center at 10:00am. The heartbeat of Elmarie’s ministry in the Middle East is to deepen and strengthen the relational ties between the church in her region and the church in the United States. Elmarie will provide at update from the region as well as provide an historical journey of the history of Presbyterian mission in the Middle East.
Elmarie lives in Beirut. She and her husband, Scott (an Omaha native) have spoken at PCOC several times in the past. Please join us for coffee & treats in the Courtyard Class at 10:00.

PCOC Book Group on August 21

5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
Room 13

PCOC Book Group will meet Wednesday, August 21 in Room 13 from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. to review A Piece of the World by Cristina Baker Kline . All readers are welcome!

Questions? Contact Charlotte Hubbard.

Other Events You Might Enjoy

Summer Arts Garden Walk in North Omaha August 17,  9AM-1PM
Take a drive down North 30th Street during the North Omaha Summer Arts’ Annual Garden Walk. Visit the Washington Branch Library (2868 Ames Ave.) for garden tour information, book and seed giveaways, the annual quilters “We Are Quilt” show, and  a story time at 10:30am.

Enjoy “No More Empty Pot’s” (8501 N 30th) terrific roof top garden! Live jazz will create the perfect ambiance, provided by bassist Bill Ritchie and pianist Dan Cerveny.

Explore new cuisine!
Down Home Soul Food Gospel Lunches at the Revive Center (2402 Lizzie Robinson Ave – 24th and lake) 12 – 3pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. No pre-registration necessary!  Several people from our church go somewhat regularly. Get hungry because you are gonna love the menu items.

Jackson’s Fair Deal Cafe, (2118 N 24th St. STE 101) is also a great option. Open Tuesday – Saturday  10AM – 9PM, Sunday 10AM – 5PM. 10% off meals for first responders, health care providers, college students, educators, and seniors. Now that is a fair deal!



Cross Currents Deadline is Friday, August 16

Please send your content for the September 2024 issue to

New Travel/Study Opportunity in Lithuania

Our friend and Mission Worker Ellen Smith is collaborating with Carl Horton of the PC(USA) Peacemaking Project to host a Travel/Study Tour titled “Lithuania:  Healing the Legacies of War and Oppression,” in October, 2024. The tour will be a more in-depth study of the history we were introduced to when Jean Waters, Karen Morey, and Jon and Irene Boomgaarden traveled with Ellen to Lithuania in winter of 2023. Of that trip, Jean Waters said, “When visiting Lithuania, you experience a charming old European country, cathedrals and castles, alongside Soviet-style housing. It is important to see that the people of this country suffered, and they acknowledge their history so that they, and none of us, will repeat it.”

PC(USA) is now recruiting participants for this Travel Study Tour, who will begin their journey in Lithuania’s capitol, Vilnius, then move to Klaipeda, learning about various phases of Lithuania’s history, from the Nazi and Soviet occupations to today’s Ukrainian refugee crisis.  Applications are being accepted now, online at

The deadline for applications is June 14, but the size of the group will be limited, so the sooner you consider this opportunity, the better! For additional information, check the website above or contact Karen Morey or Jean Waters.


Back to School Supply Collection in July

School supplies will be collected throughout the month of July to benefit our OPS mission partner schools: Integrated Learning Program (ILP), Walnut Hill, Bancroft, and Sherman elementary schools. For 2024, we have added a new mission partner in Wakonda Elementary. Wakonda is impacted by the development of the Habitat For Humanity Blue Stem Development in North Omaha. It is estimated it will send between 100 and 200 additional new students into a school that is already at capacity. With that on the horizon we’ve set a goal of 140 backpacks in addition to all the traditional school supplies for 2024. The collection boxes are inside the circle drive doors and in the Narthex. The mission committee and all the participating schools thank you for your generous support!

Blessing of the Backpacks

All children and youth are invited to bring their backpacks to church on August 4. Keep your backpacks with you until Pastor Marshall calls you forward during the service. You’ll receive this fun keychain to attach to your backpack to remind you that you can trust God.

Join us 49ers on August 6
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Wheatfields in One Pacific Place

Our speaker will be our very own Rev. Marshall Zieman, D. Min, Pastor of Presbyterian Church of the Cross and Head of Staff.  This is our chance, bring your questions for Marshall regarding his world travels, family members, likes and dislikes and generally everything you wish to ask him up close and personal.  The last time we were able to have him address 49ers was shortly after he began as our very own Pastor at Presbyterian Church of the Cross! We meet for lunch at 11:30 am at WHEATFIELDS, 1224 South 103rd Street (One Pacific Place).  We order from a special menu provided for our group. Everyone is welcome, whether or not you are 49, younger or older.  Come join us. Reservations and/or questions, please contact Mary Ott, 402 201 4103 or Judy Sundberg 402 333 6981.  We will have a sign-up sheet at the information center desk in a white 3 ring binder.

Choir Rehearsals Begin on August 28

Our regular weekly choir rehearsals begin for the season on Wednesday, August 28. Chamber Singers rehearse from 5:30 – 6:25, and Alleluia Singers join at 6:30 and rehearse until 8:00. Both rehearsals occur in the rehearsal room.
I’m looking forward to welcoming back our regular singers as well as new singers joining us for the first time. Don’t hesitate to contact Kristi with questions via email or call Kristi at the front office.



Summer Choir August 18

Have you been curious about singing in the choir? We warmly invite you to join our Summer Choir on August 18. We’ll gather in the choir rehearsal room at 9:00 to practice music that’s easy to learn for the 10:00 service. This is a fantastic opportunity to dip your toes in without a weekly commitment. And who knows, you might discover a new passion and decide to join us regularly!
For our regular singers, Summer Choir is an opportunity to invite friends, family, and even your house guests who are in town for the weekend. Inviting people to join you is the best way to recruit new singers.

Breast Cancer Support Group

For anyone currently diagnosed with breast cancer.
Stay tuned for our next meeting date.
Questions? Contact Karen Morey or Heather Berry.

Using Our New Welcome Center Spaces

With our new Welcome Center finished, we are now actively using the new rooms. You will see these locations mentioned for some of our activities.

  • Courtyard Room – This is the new official name for the large classroom in the Welcome Center.
  • Hearth Room – This room has a fireplace, couch/chair seating, and a piano.
  • Quiet Room – This room is just off the Hearth Room and features rocking chairs. This room is attached to the family restroom.
  • Kitchenette – This is the small kitchen area in the Welcome Center.

Ushers Needed

Looking for a way to serve the church? Join an usher team, or sign up to usher on a Sunday that works for you this fall! Questions? Contact Mary Ott or Mary Lynn Bennett.

Sign up online.

Greeters Needed

Your smiling face is needed to greet on Sunday mornings. We’ve made it easy to sign up online! Just choose your preferred service and door (north door by Fellowship Hall or south Welcome Center door).



Please join us to celebrate TWO ten-year service anniversaries at PCOC! 

Yes, it’s true…Kristi will celebrate her ten years on August 1, 2024, while Rock is close behind with a ten-year anniversary on October 1, 2024. The Personnel Committee of PCOC, in partnership with Pastor Marshall Zieman invite you to brunch on Sunday September 1 at 11:00 a.m. (following the final single service of summer) in the newly refreshed Fellowship Hall.
No need to donate to a gift for each – those items have already been covered.  However, please feel free to bring congratulatory cards to the brunch, or if unable to attend, please drop those by the office the week prior to the event.
We are so blessed to celebrate these two great individuals who exemplify a servant attitude on a daily basis.
Questions?  Please feel free to e-mail Jean Lynn at or by phone at 402-881-6420.
Hope to see you there!
Personnel Committee (Session Committee Moderators), Marsha Marron (Clerk of the Session), Jean Lynn (Personnel Comm. Moderator) and Pastor Marshall


An Update and Thank you from Our Refugee Family

Over the past 14 months, the Mohammed Ali family has been adapting to life in their new homeland. Ali is now working in Millard at a Middle Eastern food distribution center, while Salwa and the oldest daughter, Rouaa, recently earned their driver’s permit.
All of the children did well in school, both during the academic year and in summer school. Of particular note was the recognition of 5th-grader Islam as the Outstanding ESL student at Western Hills Elementary. Her award is noteworthy in that typically the school identifies a second year rather than first year student as its recipient. Described as being a kind student, she received a Certificate of
Recognition at the April 25th program. She and her parents are shown in the accompanying picture.

In mid-July, the family of eight drove west and north to meet up with Ali’s brother who has also relocated to the United States and now is living in northern Washington near the Canadian border. Looking ahead, the family will continue to address some health and dental needs as part of its on-going assimilation into life in Omaha.
Ali, Salwa, Rouaa, Roula, Assinat, Islam, Tasnim, and Moussa express their appreciation to the PCOC congregation for all of its support in making their first-year transition a success.

PCOC GALS on August 2

Join us for an evening of relaxed fellowship at the GALS Picnic on the Patio. The event will be held at Brenda Grauman’s Patio (120 South 166th Street) on Friday, August 2, at 6 p.m. This event will be a casual potluck style and please sign up to bring a dish. Please contact Brenda Grauman (402-305-4739) or Staci Voss (402-658-7545) with questions. See you there!
Sign up Here.

Churchwide Garage Sale on July 27

It’s getting closer to our churchwide garage sale, and we need your help! We can’t accept your donations just yet, but you can start setting aside donations, hangers, boxes, and plastic bags in your home.

We accept:
furniture, toys, small sporting equipment, household goods, baby and children’s items, clothing (no t-shirts), and shoes. Please make sure your items are clean and in working order.
We cannot accept:
Electronics older than circa 2000, mattresses, tires, tube tv’s, VHS videos/players, cassette tapes/players, or liquids of any kind. We must pay to dispose of these items, so please do not bring them to church.
Drop off your donations:
Sunday, July 14 at 9 a.m. at the north entrance
We are unable to accept donations before this date. Please keep your treasures at home until then.
Donations will not be accepted after July 19.

Volunteer to help with prep work:
July 15 – 19 and July 22 – 26
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Help or Shop on Garage Sale Day:
July 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Thank you for your donations and for your help! We hope to see you there!

Sign up to Volunteer Here.

Dinner Servers Needed on August 11

Did you know that Siena Francis House provides nearly 400,000 meals each year? PCOC serves meals on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Our serving time is 4:15 to 6:15 p.m. We need 4 to 6 volunteers.

Sign up online.

On the Sunday serving date, please sign in when you arrive for your signing shift. If you have questions, call or email Keith Allen.

Sometimes we run short on needed volunteers for our serving dates. If you are willing to be contacted by Keith Allen (Coordinator) when we need volunteers, please add your name to our list.

Add My Name to the List

Our Location




