Three sessions a year
Pam Otto

The deadline for new registrations or making a change for the Winter Session (January, February, March and April) is December 10. If you are currently in Tables for Eight as a “Regular”, you will automatically be reassigned to a new group. However, if you choose not to participate or want to change to a “Substitute” contact Pam Otto 402 830-6375 or New “Regular” participants or “Substitutes” (couples or singles) are always welcome to join this fellowship opportunity. Questions and answers about “Tables for Eight” are on the registration form, and the form is available at the Information Desk or on the Website (
How It Works
- Membership Committee will group eight people from those participating.
- Singles and couples are always very welcome in any group. If a couple signs up, they are counted as two of the eight.
- Each Table for Eight decides the day and time they’ll meet.
- A Table for Eight grouping is assigned for a four month session (Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.), (Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.), and (May, June, July, Aug.). Participants are reassigned each session. Reassignments are made by email or phone.
- At the end of each gathering, the group decides who will host next and when to meet.
- At the end of the year, participants will evaluate the program and modifications may be made.
- If you are currently in a “Tables for Eight” grouping or on the “substitute list,” you will automatically be assigned to a new group or remain on the “substitute list” unless you notify Pam Otto.
Does this have to be a dinner?
No. This may be a brunch, lunch or even just appetizers/desserts and beverages. Each group decides this, but dinner seems to fit people’s schedules better.
Do I have to host?
Ideally, this will give each participant an opportunity to host; however, if you are unable to do this, accommodations may be made within the group.
What if I don’t like to cook?
The food contribution does not have to be “homemade.”
Is this a Bible Study group?
No. There is no set agenda.
What is the dress attire?
Do I have to sign up for each four month session?
No. Unless you notify Pam Otto by the deadline (see next question), we will assume you’re participating the following session.
What are the signup deadlines?
Deadline for the first session (Sept. – Dec.) is August 10, second session (Jan. – Apr.) is December 10, and third session (May – Aug.) is April 10.
May I sign up for a specific four month session?
Yes. Sign up sheets will always be available at the Information Desk, and we will accommodate your request. Tables may be configured to accommodate the number of participants.
May I sign up as a substitute?
Yes. This list will be used to fill in when regulars cannot attend. The substitute will contribute to the meal.
If a substitute cannot attend, may I invite someone else?
Definitely. Hopefully this will encourage new people to sign up next session.