Lunch Delivery to Those in Need

Mission menu > More Local Mission Partners > ​Home Delivered Meals


Patti and John Sparks

Volunteers Needed?

Yes! Contact Patti or John Sparks.

If you would like to talk to the staff at ENOA, call 402-444-6766 and ask for Cindy or Arlis.



In response to the goals of the PCOC mission statement to reach out into the community, our church has a team of volunteers that helps the Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging (ENOA) with their Home Delivered Meals program. Our volunteers deliver daily lunches on Tuesdays and Wednesdays on Route 132.

Meal pickup happens at about 11 a.m. at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church at 93rd and Dodge. Delivery takes about one half hour. The actual route starts at a residence near Brother Sebastian’s and ends at the Livingston Plaza Apartments. Recently, the number of meals delivered has ranged from five to seven.

Folks interested in volunteering for this program should contact Patti or John Sparks. If you would like to talk to the staff at ENOA, call 402-444-6766 and ask for Cindy or Arlis.